Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Day 2- Gratitude

Thank you for reading today's blog! Thank you for showing interest in my journey to find The Secret! Thank you! I am thankful to be alive today! I am thankful that I had my morning coffee with my loving grandma. Thank you for sunshine today! Thank you allowing me to bowl 3 strikes in my game today! Thank you for helping me win 2 out of 3 bowling games played today! THANK YOU!
Showing thanks and being grateful for what you have in your life is the easiest way to emit positive frequencies into the universe. We should be thankful for everything! Big things, Little things, Unexpected things, even disappointing things. We should be thankful not only for every triumph, but also every failure. Understand that learning and growing comes from every situation, not just the good ones; and probably more from the bad ones. The problem with this is that you cannot force someone to feel gratitude. They must find it on their own. Just remember, no matter how bad you think you have it, it could always get worse. And it will; without having gratitude. 
In his exercise on gratitude, Mr. James Ray explains his particular way of starting his day. He would not get out of bed until he manifested grateful feelings for the brand new day ahead and all that he is thankful for in his life. Then as each foot steps out of bed he says “thank” and “you”. With each step to the bathroom, saying “thank you” again and again. He continues doing this in the shower, brushing his teeth, throughout his morning routine and before he is even physically ready for the day, he has said “thank you” over a hundred times. Talk about showing some gratitude, huh?! As he does this he is powerfully setting the frequency for the day and intentionally declaring the way he would like his day to go. Carpe diem! Seize the day. Do not let the day seize you!  
Me personally, I’m working on getting a “token” of gratitude. A token can be any kind of small object that you keep in your pocket or purse, where when it is touched you remember to be thankful for something in your life. The Secret says that it is impossible to bring more good into your life if you are feeling ungrateful for what you have. All the thoughts and feelings you emit as you feel ungrateful are all negative emotions. If you are feeling jealousy, resentment, dissatisfaction, or feelings of “not enough”, according to the law of attraction you will only bring more situations to feel this way into your life. In order to bring positive things, we must shift that frequency to one of positive thoughts and one way to do that is to be thankful for what you currently have in the here and now. 
If we are what we are today, it is in thanks in part to people who cross our path. Some have made a big difference in our lives, often without knowing it. They have influenced us to make decisions and take certain actions, through whose experiences we have improved and grown. We gain a lot in taking the time to stop and be thankful for these people. Show it! Be grateful and let others know!

Today in particular for me, The Secret worked its magic! While bowling with my brother and our friends, all I really wanted was a strike! Just one! But every time I threw the ball, nothing. Maybe a spare, if I was lucky. After the first game, I sat down and really thought about getting a strike in this last game. It was all I wanted, so I followed the creative process. Why not? The Secret says to start small! Ask, believe, receive. So I asked to get a strike. Then I visualized myself throwing the ball dead center down the lane and hitting all the pins. I could see myself feeling proud, and jumping up to do a happy dance afterwards and I told myself, “YOUR GUNNA GET A STRIKE! YOU GOT IT! YOU GOT IT!” The entire second game, I didn’t even get a spare. I was a little aggravated, but said thank you for the opportunity, I would try harder next time. I said thank you for fun day with my brother and our friends. When I thought we were leaving, our friends decided to play a 3rd game! SCORE! 10 more chances to try to get my strike! I immediately said thank you about a hundred times, grabbed my ball and chucked it down the lane as hard as I could. Well, do you know what happened? A STRIKE! And then my next turn? ANOTHER STRIKE! Two in a row!! I ended up winning that game with another strike in my last frame! THANK YOU UNIVERSE!! 
Although it may seem small and maybe insignificant to you readers, but to me, I felt awesome!! I had accomplished what I wanted to do! And it felt amazing! Especially after the last week or so I’ve been having. These last few days of revelation with The Secret have changed my perspective on a lot of things. So I vow to celebrate every success! No matter how small! If I can find such happiness in the little things, imagine what it must feel to succeed at the big ones! 
My friends, this is what The Secret is all about. It’s the secret to happiness, the secret to fulfillment; and the easiest and fastest way to start feeling it today is through gratitude. I wish you all a happy and healthy day! THANK YOU FOR READING! I hope you continue to follow me through my journey! Day two and I already feel like a whole new person! 

Finding gratitude=finding happiness. 

My Daily Notes:
How am I feeling? THANKFUL! Thank you for my wonderful day spending time with my brother and friends I haven’t seen in a long time. Thank you for helping me bowl 3 strikes today! I feel extremely happy! Thank you for a beautiful day full of sunshine and warm temperatures for winter in New York! Thank you for giving me the idea to start this blog! Thank you for an amazing family. Thank you for the gym, thank you for the awesome tingly feeling my muscles have after working out. Thank you for motivation to get up, get out, go bowling, go to the gym, write this blog. Thank you for an amazing loving boyfriend who is on the road to recovery. I am so grateful for everything I have in my life! Man, I really want that $5000 that I asked for yesterday, but I know have enough already! This happiness cannot be bought! 

“There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. That little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative.”-Robert Collier

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Day 1: Starting Out Right!

Today is not too far from the day that I discovered The Secret. I originally started to watch the documentary, and fell asleep within the first half hour. I'm sure it was not out of boredom, I do have a tendency to fall asleep during movies. (Just ask my boyfriend!) I do plan on watching it again! I ordered Rhonda Byrne's book off of Amazon back in September and I've been reading it on and off since then. It wasn't until the last few days that I really got into reading it, and discovered what power it beholds! I'm truly a believer that this way of positive thinking, and directing your thoughts, can really work. And that brings us to today! Where I started this blog to document the outcome of my days, as I use the teachings of The Secret.
 I have always considered myself an optimist. I've always seen the glass as half full. So in doing this, I'm testing my own beliefs to see if this is just positive thinking, or really a force that is beyond our control, and in our control at the same time.

As of today I am on page 113 of The Secret. I've started to flag pages, underline things and take notes. I even started making lists of my own; like the secret shifters list, which is a list of things that when thought of they can switch your mood from bad to good. The belief in this is that by consciously feeling good and being in a good mood, you will in turn emit good frequencies into the universe. And following the basic law of attraction, emitting good frequencies should only attract more good frequencies your way. According to The Secret by using the Creative Process, and the law of attraction, I should be able to get anything I want from the universe. 

The Creative Process: Ask, Believe, Receive.

The creative process of The Secret starts with the task of asking. This can be tricky though. When asking the universe you need to be clear and precise. Bob Proctor, a wise and famous believer of The Secret, says that you should sit down and write it out on a piece of paper. Write it in the present tense. So I have taken a picture of a blank check I wrote out and post-dated for April 8, 2012. Which also happens to be my birthday! 

There's two of these babies hanging up in my room now, as I focus my thoughts on that amount. Now the second step in the creative process is to B E L I E V E!! You have to act as if you have received whatever it is you have asked for. Truly, fully, with all of your might you must believe that you have received and act that way. One way to really help this is to visualize yourself receiving what you have asked for. I can see myself logging on to check my bank account online and looking at a $5000 balance. I can feel the joy of receiving and I know what I'm using the money for. When it feels real, it will become real. This leads us to the 3rd and final step in the creative process; To receive! and how glorious it is! But when you do receive because of the universe it will not be glorious because you will have expected it! But you must be thankful nonetheless. Being grateful is the simplest way to emit good feelings of joy and happiness into the universe which can only attract more joy and happiness. 
So now that I've given you a preview of The Secret, and how I intend to use it, i suggest you go out and buy your own copy, and become a believer. Anything is possible! All you have to do is think your ideas into reality!


My Daily Notes:
How do I feel? I feel great! I am in good health! I have a roof over my head and food to eat. I have a big comfortable bed and cable TV, I have amazing family and friends, I have a good job that pays me every week, and I have amazing memories with people I love. Tomorrow will be an amazing day and I will be thankful just to wake up for another day. I will keep positive thoughts in my head, and help as many people as I can. I believe that one good deed will lead to many good deeds, and smiles are contagious. I am asking the universe for $5,000. I understand that I have no control over how this will happen, but I have full faith that it will. The money is mine already, I have it, I posses it. I can use it for whatever I need.